Cases of sexual harassment and rape are increasingly common in various countries. Rape is defined as an assault in the form of forced sexual intercourse by inserting a penis, finger or other object into the victim’s vagina, anus or mouth. Attacks are carried out not only by coercion, violence, or threats of violence.
Victims have the possibility of experiencing post-rape stress which can be divided into two, namely immediate stress and long-term stress. Immediate stress is a post-event reaction such as physical pain, guilt, fear, anxiety, shame, anger, and helplessness.
The causes of sexual harassment cannot be separated from the patriarchal system in society which is still strong. However, patriarchal culture also interprets this act of sexual harassment and instead accuses the victim or blames the victim.
The following is a list of countries that impose severe penalties for serial rape:
1. Rape Serial in England
England gave quite severe punishment to the perpetrators of rape with a large number of victims. Like the case of a student from Indonesia, Reynhard Sinaga, which was revealed in early January 2020. According to the Daily Mail, he sexually abused and raped around 195 men in his apartment in Manchester, England. The British police rewarded Reynhard with a prison sentence of 30 years and called him a monster. In fact, the British police also said that this incident was the most severe and brutal rape case in British history.
2. Rape Serial in United States of America
A very famous serial rapist and killer from the United States (US), Theodore Robert Bundy or Ted Bundy carried out the action in the 1970s. Bundy, who started his campaign in 1974, confessed to killing 36 women. However, the victims are estimated at 100 people. US police sentenced him to death in 1989 by shocking Bundy with the electric chair.
3. Rape Serial in China
For rape suspects in China, the maximum sentence given is the death penalty. As experienced by Wang Shujin, a serial rapist and killer who carried out his actions in 1993 – 1995. He only admitted to his actions in 2005, saying he had raped and killed 7 women. Two years after that, Wang was sentenced to death by the Handan Court.
4. Thai
A young man in Bangkok, Thailand was arrested for raping 36 women. Launching The Thaiger, the actions of the suspect named Denphum Wattanachotipinyo were carried out from late 2020 to early May 2021. As a result of his actions, he was threatened with a sentence of 4 to 20 years in prison. In order to gain the trust of his victims, Wattanachotipinyo promised a job and took the victim to the suspect’s place.