• New report highlights career movement for Asian American lawyers
  • Social and political issues are increasingly more important

(Reuters) – A new study has found that Asian American attorneys continue to be underrepresented in the top echelons of the legal profession, but are making progress in federal courts, in-house legal departments and law school enrollment.

A Portrait of Asian Americans in the Law 2.0 — a collaboration between the American Bar Foundation, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association and several law schools, with California Supreme Court Justice Goodwin Liu among the authors — is a follow-up to an influential 2017 reports on Asian Americans in the law. That study identified the hurdles of Asian Americans face in the legal profession, including stereotypes and a lack of mentorship.

“In terms of representation, I think we’ve seen some interesting progress,” Liu said Monday during an online presentation on the new study. “But across

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Find A LawyerIf you stay in Texas you understand that Texas legislation doesn’t take kindly to people who drink and drive. Legally, there is a probability it may well cause issues depending on the place you’re and even which decide you get (and the attorneys concerned if any). Additionally there is some consolation in waiting till you might be truly divorced in case you are too busy to find and develop a relationship anyway, which is probably going the case if there are kids and your partner is performing like a sexy teenager and also you assume the children should have a minimum of one guardian who would not undermine their integrity. However it would be good, legally to maintain any “adult” actions on the downlow as soon as you realize the wedding is over earlier than the divorce is remaining if it is not too inconvenient anyway. In case your partner …

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apps-ga1d3c25ac_1920Marvel has the Multiverse – a collection of alternate realities where superheroes interact and exist independently but are sometimes cognizant of their counterparts in other realities. Oddly enough, our world has the Metaverse, which is not fiction. It refers to the world that exists in digital format. Find out how the Metaverse impacts your law firm by reading today’s post.

What is The Metaverse?

Some experts define the Metaverse as a 3D version of the internet. Metaverse users interact within a computer-generated space. It’s not limited to one online location; it includes numerous virtual spaces. Many users have avatars that help them interact with others online. It’s like a virtual reality game and continuously evolves.

How Did The Metaverse Come to Be?

The term, Metaverse, is new to most of us. However, it originated in a 1992 novel entitled Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. The Metaverse in his novel was

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A lawyer’s legal advice is privileged. A court cannot order the lawyer or the client to disclose it. But a lawyer’s nonlegal advice is not privileged. What happens when advice is partly legal and partly nonlegal and the two parts cannot be untangled? In such dual-purpose situations, does the privilege protect all the advice or none of it?

On Monday, the Supreme Court will hear opposing answers to that question in a case known as In re Grand Jury. A law firm will argue that the privilege should protect all client communications “where obtaining or providing legal advice was one of the significant purposes behind the communication,” even if nonlegal advice predominated. The United States will argue that unless legal advice was the client’s “primary” purpose, none of the dual-purpose communications should be privileged.

The difference between

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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP is pleased to announce that Judge Thomas B. Griffithspecial counsel to the firm and former judge on the DC Circuit, has been elected to the American Law Institute (ALI), an independent organization that works to clarify, modernize and otherwise improve US law.

Griffith is among 31 lawyers, legal scholars and judges elected to ALI in December 2022 based on professional achievement and demonstrated interest in improving the law. He joins 13 other Hunton Andrews Kurth colleagues who are ALI members.

A retired judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Griffith has been active in efforts to preserve the rule of law in the United States and other nations. He was a member of the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States and frequently speaks and writes about the importance of preserving civics education and defending the

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